Dental Veneers Treatment: Conceal Dental chips, cracks, and Any Imperfections Effectively!

Dental Veneers Treatment

People always go crazy about the charming smile. It is the best feature, which can’t go unnoticed! If you are shy about the cosmetic imperfection of your teeth and can’t smile confidently, what’s holding you back from availing of dental veneer treatment in Houston? Texas boasts of providing top-notch dental veneer service to patients who are dealing with cracks, chips, and stains on their teeth. Therefore, it’s recommended that you visit a dental practice in Houston, TX, as they’re experienced in concealing any minor to significant teeth imperfections through dental veneer. Based on your particular objectives, several types of veneers are available in the market. Let’s discuss dental veneer treatment in more detail!

Different Types of Veneer

Dental Veneers are constructed of composite resin or porcelain and need maximum prep work. Conventional dental veneer placement usually entails filing down the foundation of the tooth, occasionally even extracting a portion of the tooth through the enamel. It allows adequate placement of the veneer, but it often needs local anesthesia to make the process less painful. However, the major types of veneers are the following:

  • Composite resin veneers – If you opt for composite resin veneers, your dental professional will incise the outermost part of your teeth and then meticulously apply a thin layer of composite resin to your polished tooth. 
  • Porcelain veneers – Some dental professionals will start by filing down your teeth and then taking a print of them so that a replica can be made. The mold is then sent to a lab so that the porcelain veneer can be constructed. Once done, they place it on your prepped tooth and fix it properly. On the other hand, some dentists utilize CAD/CAM technology to design the veneer on the PC.
  • No-prep veneers – These consist of options such as Vivaneers and Lumineers, which are particular brands of porcelain veneers. Applying them is less bothersome and takes a shorter duration. Such types of veneers merely affect the enamel Instead of removing the layers of the tooth under it. In many circumstances, the no-prep veneers don’t need local anesthetics. 

Who Requires Dental Veneers?

Anybody who intends to maximize their smile appearance can consider veneers. These dental restorations can hide: 

  • Diastema, such as spaces or gaps in between the teeth.
  • Misshapen teeth.
  • Broken or chipped teeth.
  • Tiny teeth.
  • Stains that can’t be eliminated with teeth whitening.

Pros & Cons of Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers Treatment


  • Alter damaged enamel – Enamel is robust but not stout. It might still be eliminated from the fanatical tooth brushing or eating highly acidic food and beverages. As enamel can’t be recreated naturally by the human body, it can be altered, luckily! Veneers are a one-stop treatment for teeth with enamel abrasion or erosion. 
  • Whiten your smile effortlessly – Years of smoking cigars, drinking coffee, or consuming pigmented food eventually take a toll on your teeth’s health. However, the stained enamel can be bleached effectively with the help of a dentist. In case you’re contemplating a hassle-free way to whiten your smile, there’s no looking back other than the veneers. 


  • Massive cost – The cost of dental veneer treatment differs from one location to another. Moreover, it also depends on the expertise of a dentist and the number of teeth you want to be veneered. The approximate cost of porcelain veneers in Houston ranges from $2000 to $5000.


So, it’s all about dental veneer treatment, and they don’t actively decay your teeth! Although the underlying original tooth structure could potentially deteriorate, it’s crucial to floss, brush, and make an appointment with your dentist for cleanings.